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Spring Season Activities for Young Children

It's spring! The leaves are unfurling, the flowers are blooming, birds are building nests and gardens are growing.

It's time to get outside and enjoy the spring weather. And it's time to explore spring colors and themes through arts and crafts activities.

We know how busy you are, though, so we've made it easy for you.

We've compiled a list of 10 spring activities for your family to pick and choose from, including nature crafts, outdoor activities, and books about spring.

10 Spring Activities for Kids

1. Decorate your front door with Flower Petal Stained-Glass Windows

2. Make a Flower Petal Suncatcher

3. Or try a with a cardboard box Magical 3D Nature Suncatcher

4. Try making DIY Flower Crowns and Necklaces

5. Do with flowers you pick from the garden Flower Printing

6. Use flowers and leaves to make Clay Leaf Prints and Pendants

7. Create these Beautiful Flower Flags

8. Make Giant with paper plates 3D Watercolor Flowers

9. Add some to your garden or yard Beaded Garden Ornaments

10. Make a to read under! Bean Pole Trellis

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